The Giftwhale Blog

Guides, insights, and thoughts on all things gifting and wish lists.

Child accounts

Following the recent update on the new features of Giftwhale 4.0 this article provides more detail around the new child accounts and how they work.

Tom Buckland profile photo for Giftwhale

Tom Buckland

Co-Founder / Marketing

Giftwhale 4

The Giftwhale development team have been hard at work translating feedback and ideas into new features and we are exicted to annouce our next big update – Giftwhale 4.0

Tom Buckland profile photo for Giftwhale

Tom Buckland

Co-Founder / Marketing

Gifts to Support Mental Health

In this blog post, we’ll share the things you can buy for others, or request others buy for you (thanks, Giftwhale!) that support everything from developing healthy habits, to allowing a little escapism.

Tom Buckland profile photo for Giftwhale

Tom Buckland

Co-Founder / Marketing