Create wonderful wish lists
Receive better gifts

With Giftwhale it’s easy to create wish lists and share them instantly with friends and family.

Create wish list

⏱ Add gifts even faster!

Add gifts to Giftwhale while you're browsing any website. View Giftwhale downloads

Add anything

Add gifts from any store
online, or in the street.

Any occasion

Birthdays, baby showers, Christmas...
Giftwhale works great every time.

Completely free

Giftwhale is completely free
and completely unlimited.

12002 new wishes this week

Join thousands of happy users creating their wish lists...

How does Giftwhale work?

Create a wish list

Give your wish list a name, an optional date and photo, and a short description to let people know a bit more about it.

Start your wish list

Creating a wish list on giftwhale on the iPhone or mobile

Add your gifts

Fill it with the presents you would like, all with their own picture, details and links to buy.

Create a wish list now

Sharing a wish list with freinds and family on a mobile phone
Sharing a wish list with freinds and family on a mobile phone

Add your gifts

Fill it with the presents you would like, all with their own picture, details and links to buy.

Create a wish list now

Share your wish list

Your friends can see the items you have requested, seeing everything still currently available, using the integrated chat if any help or more ideas are needed.

Get started now

Purchasing and reserving gifts and items on the web application

Get The Gifts You Want

Because of your fantastic wish list, everyone knows what you’d like. Once you receive items you can send the gifter a beautiful thank you message, quickly and easily through Giftwhale.

Get the gifts you want

Sharing a wish list with freinds and family on a mobile phone
Sharing a wish list with freinds and family on a mobile phone

Get The Gifts You Want

Because of your fantastic wish list, everyone knows what you’d like. Once you receive items you can send the gifter a beautiful thank you message, quickly and easily through Giftwhale.

Get the gifts you want

blue lines to seperate sections

The features people love


Create wish lists for the best birthdays, a cracking Christmas, wonderful weddings, baby showers and much more. 👶 🎅

All Devices

Works on all devices big and small so you can add items, buy presents and comment wherever you are.

Thank you's

Send beautiful thank you messages to friends and family that get gifts for you.

Secret Santa

Create and manage your Secret Santa with all your friends and family.


Chat & discuss with other followers, all hidden away from the list's creator.

Add Links

Give your items links to buy so your followers can easily purchase exactly what you want.

Find family and friends

Have friends and family on Giftwhale? Use our simple search to find them.

Upcoming baby shower? Mums birthday? Housewarming?

There are so many great reasons to use Giftwhale for your next important event.

Our most recent blog post

Unlocking the Power of Online Fundraising

Giftwhale Wish Lists can allow Charities and Organisations to unlock the power of online fundraising. Elevate your fundraising efforts and make a difference today.

Read the article