Picture this… The wedding invite drops onto your doormat. You open it, and for a moment, you’re so excited to be invited to somebody’s special day. Then the dread sets in. What on earth should you buy them for a wedding gift? Well, fear not, this blog post will give you plenty of ideas about what to buy for the happy couple.
Personalized gifts are the perfect option.
Often, wedding gifts are all about giving the couple something to keep and treasure. Personalized gifts are the ideal way to do that. A favourite of mine, that I’ll be sure to add to my own (Gift Whale) wish list, is a set of personalized wine glasses, or champagne glasses if I’m feeling particularly fancy. Something like these Champagne Glasses would go down a treat. You can buy personalized portraits, cushions, mugs, and pretty much anything else you can think of. They’re super keepsakes and are sure to thrill the bride and groom.
If you want to be different, I know some of you do, then purchasing an experience as a gift is an option for you. Gift experiences for a Luxury Las Vegas Escape, Hot Air Ballooning, or whatever else you think the couple would love, are ideal because it gives them something to do together. I’ll let you in on a secret, after the wedding, there’s often a comedown. Experience gifts give the newlyweds something else to look forward to and make you look like a fairy godmother (win-win).
Something from their registry.
You can’t go wrong by buying a gift from their registry, they clearly wanted it because they asked for it. Bonus points if their wedding wish list/registry is with GiftWhale because it makes the whole experience tons easier. Popular gifts include Classic Bath Towels and Coffee Makers, although you can’t go wrong with a nice Casserole Dish, in my humble opinion.
A subscription service.
If you know the bride and groom are into craft beer, then buy them a Craft Beer Subscription. If the bride and groom are big plant lovers, then buy them a Plant Subscription. If they’re too busy to cook, but you know they want to, then buy them a Meal Subscription. Can you tell I’m a huge fan of subscription services? There’s something out there for everybody, and who doesn’t like getting mail each month/week?
If in doubt...
Ask them what they’d like. Or, better yet, ask them to set up a Gift Whale wish list.
If you have no idea at all, and this blog post hasn’t helped, then simply ask. At the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts. You’re special enough to the happy couple that you’ve been invited to share their special day with them. I’m sure that whatever gift you buy, they will appreciate it.