The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Online Wish List

Make your online wish list a reality with our ultimate guide. From the best platforms to essential tips, we've got you covered.

Originally published on 9th Jan 2024 | Updated 21st Mar 2024

Article key points:

  1. Online wishlists simplify gifting, store ideas efficiently, and alleviate the stress of choosing gifts.

  2. Prioritize user-friendly platforms, consider functionalities like accessibility and mobile apps, and mark special occasions for wishlist creation.

  3. Organize your list effectively, involve children in decision-making, and use wishlists to teach gratitude and patience beyond material possessions.

Have you ever found yourself struggling to come up with gift ideas for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions? Or maybe you have a running list of items you want to purchase for yourself but can never seem to remember them when it's time to go shopping. That's where an online wish list comes in handy!

A whale confused with too many gifts to buy for friends and family

In this ultimate guide, we'll be covering everything there is to know about creating one online. From understanding the importance of having one to setting it up and personalising it with themes, we've got you covered. We'll also discuss the features to look for in a platform, practical tips for creating a meaningful collection of gifts, and even ways to involve your children in the process.

Sit back, relax, and let's get started on making all your wishes come true!

Understanding the Importance of Online Wishlists

Keeping track of gift ideas, reducing gifting anxiety, and better communication with family and friends are some of the key benefits of online wishlists. Today, pretty much everything you can buy will be available online somewhere, this not only makes life easier but can also expose the customer to an abundance of choice.

Somewhere to store all those ideas

Keeping track of desired items is made easy with online wish lists. Accessible across various devices and always available, it's quick and easy to add items anytime and anywhere.

The organisation of your gifting ideas

Stay organised and keep all your gift ideas in one place. No more searching through countless notes, emails, or random scraps of paper to remember what you wanted. Your online wishlist will keep everything neatly sorted and easily accessible.

Reducing Gift Anxiety

We've all experienced that moment of panic when we realise we have no idea what to get someone for their birthday or special occasion. With an online wishlist, that anxiety disappears. You can simply refer to their wishlist and choose something you know they'll love.

For the person receiving the gift, eliminate the stress of receiving unwanted gifts. Easily share gift preferences, add descriptions, images, and personalise your list for a fun touch. Friends and family can access it stress-free.

A whale setting up their online wish list

Setting Up Your Online Wish List

Platforms offer various features to enhance the experience, catering to different user preferences. Adding items is simple, whether using an app or browser extension. Personalising wish lists adds a touch of creativity and fun to the process.

Choosing the Right Platform

When creating an online wishlist, consider platform compatibility with various devices and operating systems such as android or ios, popular browsers, and sharing capabilities, ensuring a great user experience. Mobile app support adds convenience. Platform frustration can affect happiness.

The main features to look for in a wish list

  • Multipurpose - works for all types of occasions

  • Accessible on all devices

  • Simple and fast to use

  • Easy ability to share online

  • Item lookup via URL - save all that typing!

  • Privacy when needed - the option for private and public lists

Adding Items to Your Wish List or Registries

When building your wishlist, you can quickly add items from any online store with just a URL. Browser extensions make it easy to add items from any website, integrating seamlessly into your online shopping experience.

Personalising Your Wish List with Themes to rival Pinterest

Express your unique style and preferences with personalised themes, creating an engaging gifting experience for both users and gift-givers. Online platforms offer a variety of visually appealing themes to suit different occasions and interests.

Whale using their mobile phone

Features to Look For in an Online Wish List Platform

When choosing a platform, prioritise ease of use and sharing capabilities. Compatibility across devices and browser extensions offer added convenience. Email sharing and URL item lookup streamline the gifting process.

Ease of Use

When choosing an online platform, prioritise intuitive navigation, item management, and customisation options for a seamless user experience. Ensure easy access and navigation for gift-givers.

Mobile wishlist app

A mobile wishlist app is a great feature for those who are always on the go. With the app, you can easily access and update your list anytime, anywhere. Whether you're commuting to work or travelling to a new destination, having your wishlist at your fingertips ensures that you never miss an opportunity to add that special item.

The mobile app also comes in handy when you stumble upon a fantastic gift idea while browsing through a local store. Simply snap a photo of the item, and the app will automatically add it. No more forgetting about that perfect gift once you leave the store.

Sharing Capabilities

Effortlessly share with loved ones via email or social media, enhancing the gifting experience. Mobile sharing ensures quick access for potential gift-givers.

Accessibility Across Devices

You should be able to access your wishlist from any device with a properly designed web app, ensuring easy compatibility with anything with an internet connection. User-friendly across various devices is essential for an online wishlist.

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are a useful tool to enhance your shopping experience. With these extensions, you can easily add items to your online wish list while browsing different websites. Whether you're shopping on your favourite online stores or reading about a product in an article, simply click on the browser extension and the item will be added to your wish list instantly.

These extensions may also provide additional features such as price tracking and notifications. You can set price alerts for specific items and be notified when the price drops, ensuring that you get the best deals.

A whale wedding

Special Occasions for Creating a Wish List

Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays like Christmas, weddings, baby showers - all perfect occasions for sharing your wish list with loved ones.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays should be celebrated. Share your birthday online wish list with family and friends to give them a helping hand in selecting a present they know you’ll love.

Holidays like Christmas

The holiday season is perfect for sharing your list and simplifying gift-giving. This makes it convenient for friends and family wanting to give you a gift. These occasions are unique as there could be many people in your family you need to create a wishlist for, or at least lend a helping hand. You'll need extra help at these times of the year to keep everything organised when there are so many gifts to juggle

Life Milestones like Weddings and New Babies

Planning life milestones like weddings and baby showers? These are both really popular times for individuals or couples to create a list.

Weddings are a perfect example of when a wish list or registry comes in handy. Instead of receiving duplicate gifts or items that may not fit your style or needs, you can curate a selection of gifts that includes everything from kitchen essentials to honeymoon funds. This way, your guests can easily find and purchase gifts that align with your preferences and needs. Plus, it saves them the hassle of guessing what you might like or need.

Similarly, for baby showers, a wishlist can be a game-changer. From essential baby gear to adorable nursery decor, you can curate a list that ensures you receive items that will truly enhance your journey into parenthood. With a wish list in place, your loved ones can confidently choose gifts that are both practical and meaningful.

Remember, creating a online wish list is not about being demanding or materialistic

Practical Tips for Creating a Meaningful Online Wish List

Balancing what you want and need is key. Prioritise items based on your desires and necessities. Keep your list updated and utilise online wishlist tools.

Balancing Wants and Needs

Strike a balance between desires and practical necessities to guide gift-givers effectively. Categorise items as wants and needs for better organisation.

Prioritising Items on Your List

Prioritise items based on their significance to you. Use wish list apps for effective ranking and meaningful gifting experiences. Regularly reassess and rank items to reflect changing preferences.

Updating Your List Regularly

Regularly refreshing your registry keeps it current for givers. Use blog features for easy updating. Set reminders to prompt regular updates and ensure an updated list for givers.

Firefly An illustrated whale, with small whales, at a computer

Involving Your Children in the Wish List Process

Creating wish lists with your kids fosters decision-making skills, promotes creativity, and encourages effective communication of desires. It's an opportunity for quality family time and helps kids prioritise their wants.

Encouraging Thoughtful Wishing

Encouraging careful thinking leads to better gift choices and promotes responsible and mindful gifting for meaningful and purposeful gift ideas. Most people will agree that this is a great trait to instil into young minds.

How Can Creating a Wish List Teach Children About Value and Patience?

Creating a wishlist can teach children valuable lessons about value and patience. It promotes gratitude and appreciation for the items they desire, while also teaching them to wait for special occasions to receive those items. This instils the important life skill of delayed gratification and helps children understand the effort required to acquire their desired possessions. Finally, it teaches them that value is not solely determined by material possessions.

An illustrated whale, thinking hard, with questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best website to make a wish list?

Giftwhale allows you to create, personalise, and share gift ideas quickly and easily. The wish lists look beautiful and allows everyone to instantly access an up-to-date list of presents you have asked for and what is still available to buy.

How can I share my online wishlist with friends and family?

There are various ways to share your online wishlist with friends and family. You can easily send it via email or share it on social media. Some platforms like Giftwhale even offer the option to make your wishlist public and share the link. Additionally, certain platforms allow you to create a group for collaborative adding. Just remember to check the privacy settings before sharing.

Can I add items from multiple websites to my online wishlist?

Yes, it is possible to add items from multiple websites to your online wishlist. Popular platforms like Amazon Wishlist, Giftwhale, and Giftster allow you to do so. You can also use browser extensions such as "Add to" for a simplified process. Keeping your wishlist updated and organised will make it easier to share with friends and family.

Why is a wish list easier than just sending an email to my family?

It is perfectly acceptable to email family and friends gift ideas when they ask you what you might like. However, you either have to think of lots of different options to send to different people, or you have to hope they check in with each other so that they don't all end up getting you the same gift. With an online wish list they are all viewing the same wish list at the same time and are therefore presented with a live view of what gifts remain available, eliminating the problem of getting the same gift from different people.

Are there any privacy concerns when creating an online wish list?

When creating an online wishlist, it's important to consider privacy concerns. Choose a platform that prioritises privacy and gives you control over your children's lists. Be cautious about sharing your wishlist publicly or with strangers.

Which blogs can help me find out more about online wish lists?

The Giftwhale blog has a host of articles aimed at giving you guidance and inspiration on creating and managing your online wish list.


Creating an online wish list can make gift-giving and receiving a breeze. It provides a convenient place to store all your ideas and helps alleviate gift anxiety. Setting up your online wish list is simple, just choose the right platform, add items, and personalise it with themes. Look for features like ease of use, simple sharing capabilities, and personalisation when selecting a platform. Special occasions like birthdays, holidays, and life milestones are perfect times to create a wish list. To make it meaningful, balance wants and needs, prioritise items, and update regularly. Involving your children in the wish list process teaches them about value and patience.

So why wait any longer? Sign up today and start creating your ultimate online wish list.

The Giftwhale Team
*Some links on our site are monetised to help fund Giftwhale. As an Amazon Associate Giftwhale earns from qualifying purchases.

Ready to create your first wish list?

Birthdays, Weddings, Baby showers, Christmas, or just a list of things you'd love?

Create your first wish list

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