The Giftwhale bookmarklet is a special bookmark you can save to your web browser. When clicked, it will automatically load Giftwhale and attempt to add the current product you're looking at to your chosen Giftwhale wish list.
It's really easy to use and can save you lots of time when adding items to your wish list.
If your bookmarks sync between your devices, you only need to do this on one device, and it should appear on your other devices automatically.
If you're on a desktop computer you can drag the 'Add to Giftwhale' button located below to your bookmarks bar. This will save it in your bookmarks for use at any time.
All devices like to work a little bit differently to the next, so if one method below doesn't work, give another a try and we're certain you'll find the right one for your device.
Firstly you need to visit the webpage with the product you want to add to your wish list
When you're on a website, and you want to add the item to your Giftwhale, do the following
Whenever you are shopping for an item and want to add it your ideas page or any of your current wish lists, simply go to the items webpage first and then do the following